Pool Hall Upgrade: Update

Last modified on 20 January 2023

Initial construction fence - Banner.png

Construction Site Fence Line

Construction of the Willoughby Leisure Centre redevelopment project is about to begin.

Given this, there will be a number of changes in and around the site, which are listed below:

  • Additional fencing will be installed from Monday 23 January. As a result of this, the pedestrian footpath along the eastern side of WLC, between the lower netball courts and Small Street will be closed.  Site signs will be in place to direct pedestrians to an alternate route.
  • Access to the lower carpark via Bicentennial Reserve Road will be closed on 24 and 25 January, as shown in the map below. During this period, we encourage customers to park in the top carpark next to the centre (which you will still be able to access via Small Street).
  • As part of preparation works for the demolition, the removal of the trees required for this development will commence on 30 January. Works will be carried out in accordance with the approved DA determination, and the mulch produced will be utilised on other Council parks and landscaping. It should be noted that, as part of the project’s construction, 72 locally endemic trees will be planted to replace 24 trees which are required to be removed to allow the expansion to take place. This means the project will, over time, triple the local tree population.


Carpark area closed for works 24-25.png


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